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Our Goal is to promote conservation through science and management of wildlife and aquatic ecosystems while providing our members with career enhancing opportunities.


The Wildlife Society (TWS) is an international non-profit scientific and educational association dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and education.  


The American Fisheries Society (AFS) is the world's oldest and largest organization dedicated to strengthening the fisheries profession, advancing fisheries science, and conserving fisheries resources.


Interested in learning about what our club does?


From working with federal and non-profit agencies to public outreach and attending conferences each semester, our members give back to our local communities and could always use extra help!

Get Involved

As a student chapter, we provide real-world experience that builds practical skills for future careers.


Each semester there are opportunities to get involved in local conservation efforts and expand your professional network with experts in the field.


We are a self-funded, student-run 501(c)(3) Non-Profit and need your donations!  


Donations allow us to fund our outreach efforts and provide students the opportunity to attend conventions where they can showcase their research and network with professionals.

Future Speakers/ meeting dates:

Below is a list of meeting dates and guest speakers for the fall semester at UAFWS. Find us in ENR2 in room N350 on: ​​

  • 09/09

  • 09/23

  • 10/07

  • 10/21

  • 11/04

  • 11/18

  • 12/02


Interested in what this club is about and how it can help you? Our 2021-2022 officers can tell you about the club's, mission statement, goals, and the numerous activities of this club in

this convenient video!   

Club Introduction/Details

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