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Sticker Contest

Every year year UAFWS holds a sticker contest for our club members to participate in. We will hold a voting session at one of our club meetings to choose a winner. The winner will get a free copy of each sticker that is chosen, and copies will be made to be sold at our club meetings and other events!


Spring 2022 Sticker Contest Winners 


Art-work parameters?

You are free to create any wildlife/ nature focused design. Submitted artwork can be either digital or physical, although all submissions need to be done digitally. Designs will be used to create stickers, and so should not exceed 4” x 4”. Submissions can include images and/ or text. All submissions must be created independently and must be original designs. Contestants may submit up to 3 designs each.

How to submit art-work?

Send us an email to with files of artwork attached. Digital artwork can be sent directly; physical artwork should be photographed or scanned.  Make the subject Your Name + Art Contest.  If your art has a title you would like to share with the judges, add that to the file name as well, just keep it short. 

How to pay for submissions?

There will be no fee for artwork submissions as these will be turned into stickers to use for the club.

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